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THURSTONE SCALE. In psychology, the Thurstone scale was the first formal technique to measure an attitude. It was developed by Louis Leon Thurstone in 1928, Thurstone scale is defined as a unidimensional scale that is used to track respondent's behavior, attitude or feeling towards a subject only with the use of J Police Crim Psych (2007) 22:1–9 DOI 10.1007/s11896-007-9001-8 The Development of a Thurstone Scale for Identifying Desirable Police Officer Traits JamesThurstone scales: The Thurstone scale is made up of statements about a particular issue and each statement has a numerical value indicating the repsondent's cussion of the major attitude-scaling methods, namely, Guttman, Thurstone,. Likert, and semantic differential scales. We will try to show that all of these
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